Lava Free Pay

Lava Free Pay


  1. Lava Free Pay enables you to move dollars around the world freely and instantly.

  2. Lava Free Pay enables you to interact with blockchains without holding a gas token, solving a significant UX barrier for self-custody.

Digital dollars were supposed to enable seamless, global payments, but so far, using them has been more cumbersome than using centralized finance. To understand how bad the current UX is, imagine that every time you want to send money on Venmo, you first have to buy volatile VenmoBucks, incurring fees, in order to pay an additional volatile transaction fee charged in those VenmoBucks. This is the experience every self-custody user faces today, but instead of VenmoBucks, they have to buy a gas token like ETH or SOL. Today, we announce Lava Free Pay, which gives users the ability to interact with blockchains without holding a gas token and thus unlocks free, instant, and global payments.

How does Lava Free Pay Work?

Lava Free Pay enables you to interact with blockchains without having to manage a gas token balance. Anytime you make a transaction through Lava, you create a partially-signed transaction and send it to Lava Free Pay. Lava Free Pay then pays the native gas fee and broadcasts the transaction. The service is trustless, meaning it’s cryptographically ensured that Lava Free Pay can’t steal your funds.


How can I get started?

You can get started by downloading the Lava Vault on iOS or Android, or by visiting

Can my app use Lava Free Pay?

Yes, email us to learn how to get started.

Are there any risks?

Not really, if Lava Free Pay shut down, you could always just pay using a native gas token, or you could set up another instance of Lava Free Pay yourself.

What’s next for Lava Free Pay?

We already enable seamless payments within a crypto network. Next is to enable seamless payments between different digital dollars or between different crypto networks. You don’t need to worry about any of this because when we push these upgrades, it’ll be integrated seamlessly into Lava.


This article was written by Shehzan Maredia. Lava Free Pay is built on foundations created by several projects, like Octane.

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